This blog is an assignment for CMP 272 Winter 2008 to allow students an opportunity to present valid arguements, generate feedback, and practice moderating skills in a technological environment.

Lower Drinking Age?

Underage Kids or Adults????At the age of 18 a person in America is an adult.They can legally do many things such as:Get married, Adopt a child, Get a tattoo or body piercings, Have an abortion,Give legal consent for sexual intercourse, Convict others of murde, Gamble, Serve alcohol, Be sued in court, Enter in a legal contract, Purchase or even perform in pornograghy, Fly a plane, Operate a business including employ others, Be executed for a crime, Purchase tobacco products, Vote, and serve in the Armed Forces, etc.This list could go on forever!

The United States is only 1 of 4 countries in the world where the drinking age is 21. A person is responsible enough at 18 in the eyes of the government to maintain the safety of the country and drive a $60 million dollar tank. The same person in the eyes of the law is not allowed to share a sip of champagne with their new spouse at their wedding.The age a person can legally begin to drink should come when the government that is allowing them to die for the country. This is the largest argument of all. If you are old enough to die for their country, they should be able to buy a beer in it.We feel a person that is under the age of 21, if educated correctly, could show the responsibility to drink and know their own personal limits. Education is the key factor in helping to teach a person when to stop and when to not even begin.

Think of this.... A man was recently pulled over on a normal traffic violation. He was then given a breathalizer. While waiting on the results, he proceeded to tell the officer that he had just returned home from Iraq and was about to go back. The breathalizer showed that he was just at the legal limit for a person over 21. The only problem was that the solider was only 20. What is the right thing to do here? The man just returned from a Hell that only few know. Should we punish him for wanting to relax and enjoy a drink?

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

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